We highly recommend renting a car while on vacation in Aruba.
The heat makes even small distances uncomfortable to walk, especially carrying beach chairs, towels, coolers, beach bag, floats and other things that make your beach time more enjoyable. Getting sunburned walking back from the beach may negatively affect your entire vacation.
Furthermore, the roads are a bit dark at night and since everyone drives everywhere, most roads have no sidewalks so you walk in the sand next to the roads.
Driving is easy in Aruba! Traffic is slow and the island is very small (you drive from one tip of the island to the other tip in only 45 minutes!) so you can’t really get lost.
And maybe the most import reason to rent a car: you will get to see so much more of Aruba and make the most out of your vacation.
We recommend TOP DRIVE as they have over 15 years of experience in this market. They are reliable, committed, efficient and honest.

Their fleet accommodates Jeeps and vehicles for urban cruising as well as off-road vehicles for visiting the most remote places. They provide the best and newest cars for you.
You can find Top Drive at the airport and several hotels. They offer a pick-up service to take you to the hotel.
For questions you can Contact Top Drive:
Main Office: Alto Vista 129, Noord – Aruba +297 – 5871729
Near Airport: Next to the Wayaca Service Station +297 – 5886366
Website: https://www.arubatopdrive.com/
E-mail: info@arubatopdrive.com
MORE OPTIONS FOR CAR RENTAL: If you like to explore other options and see rates, here is a link to other car rentals in Aruba:
Taxi service is great, very fast and safe, but leaving the house a few times a day for groceries, beach visits and restaurants might cost more in the end than renting a car, so you might as well rent a car and enjoy the luxury to have 24 hour transportation at your fingertips.
Please be aware taxis are not allowed to take on more than 5 passengers, so for large groups it will cost you 4 taxis for a round trip out of the house.

For amazing Taxi Service, please contact HUBERT, he has a very large and clean TAXI VAN (12 seats)